Welcome to Ikeda, JAPAN! New 3 wombats will arrive in Ikeda on Sep 27, if things go well


On Sep 12, KURATA Kaoru, the mayor of Ikeda city, Osaka pref, JAPAN, announced that new 3 wombats will arrive in Ikeda on Sep 27, if things go well.

The municipal zoo of Ikeda city, ‘Satsukiyama Zoo‘ announced that it will be closed specially on Sep 27, and the area near its wombats’ house will be closed temporarily after Sep 27 in order that new wombats will get used to the new environment.

Japanese edition

If you would like to know about activities to invite new wombats to Ikeda, please read the following article:

Ikeda city (JAPAN). Welcome of wombat(s) is scheduled to be in fall of 2017, the mayor referred. | TAKAGI-1’s Blog (Jan 15, 2017)

“Song of Wombat” by Keeper Girls, the Idol group of Satsukiyama Zoo.

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