#earthquake “@NHK_PR: The frequency list of NHK radio in several languages. http://h.hatena.com/herbe/243597512623822452”
posted at 03:48:48
RT @NHK_PR: The frequency list of NHK radio in several languages. http://h.hatena.com/herbe/243597512623822452
posted at 03:47:46
Earthquake updates for foreigners in Japan- http://tinyurl.com/4hgnof9 #earthquake
posted at 03:47:19
Google http://www.google.co.jp/intl/en/crisisresponse/japanquake2011.html #earthquake
posted at 01:14:10
Tokyo electric power company requests users save power because power plants and so on are damaged. #earthquake
posted at 00:14:05
<前の投稿日 2011/03/11 - 次の投稿日 2011/03/13>
<前の日 2011/03/11 - 次の日 2011/03/13>
twitter: @takagi1net