Japan Meteorological Agency informed this #earthquake was M9.0. #Japan #tsunami #nhk
posted at 12:12:33
New boading place sign of Juso Sta, Hankyu Rwy: TAKAGI-1 posted a photo:
Mar 5, 2011. Takarazuka line... http://bit.ly/g2v8nt #photo
posted at 12:02:27
[Please RT] @DanielKahl tweeted, "Been tweeting #earthquake / #tsunami news in English. Please tell yr friends." #Japan
posted at 10:25:15
[Please RT] Public broadcast of Japan -- NHK WORLD TV by #Ustream http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nhk-world-tv #earthquake #tsunami #Japan
posted at 09:37:55
The most damaged reactor of Fukushima-1st nuclear plant is filled with sea water. It means the reacor is cooling. #earthquake
posted at 09:35:35
Japan Incident Map http://j.mp/idnTLs #earthquake #tsunami #japan
posted at 08:37:07
[Please RT] Earthquake how to protect yourself http://bit.ly/e6gHsr #earthquake #japan #jishin
posted at 08:28:17
<前の投稿日 2011/03/12 - 次の投稿日 2011/03/14>
<前の日 2011/03/12 - 次の日 2011/03/14>
twitter: @takagi1net