Radioactive leakage does NOT occur in nuclear power plant in Fukushima-pref. All nuclear reactors stopped automatically. #earthquake
posted at 23:57:40
VERY HEAVY FIRE in Kesennuma-city. 4 km x 4km area has fire (Ministry of Defense of Japan informed). #nhk #earthquake
posted at 23:51:38
#nhk Some tidal observatories around Pacific ocean in Japan are not workning now. #earthquake
posted at 23:45:05
If you leave car, please leave car key in key-hole. If not, public officer cannot move the car and maybe it block road traffic. #earthquake
posted at 23:21:00
#nhk Oil factory and petro-complex in Chiba-pref has heavy fire. At least 3 explosions occurred. #earthquake
posted at 23:14:39
#nhk Kesennuma-city, Miyagi-pref, has heavy fire. #earthquake
posted at 23:12:45
Area of heavy #tsunami alert broaden, Sea-shore of Kochi-pref is being included now. #earthquake #nhk
posted at 23:05:39
Public phones in disaster area are used freely now. #earthquake
posted at 23:01:50
#nhk radio 963 is broadcasting in English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French. #earthquake
posted at 22:57:07
Paper of newspaper is useful for cold protection. Insert ones between clothes and clothes. #earthquake
posted at 22:51:38
Google person finder: #earthquake
posted at 22:42:17
This night is clear in Japan. So tomorrow morning is cold. Predicted: -1 degC in Sendai 3 degC in Tokyo. #earthquake #nhk
posted at 22:41:32
Shelter in Tokyo. Google map. #earthquake
posted at 22:38:57
#nhk 200-300 people's drowned body is found. Arahama, Wakayabashi-ku, Sendai-city. #earthquake #tsunami
posted at 22:33:06
#nhk South area of Sendai-city has big fire. #earthquake
posted at 22:29:36
#nhk All Tokyo municipal senior high school (except in islands area) is open for people being difficult to be back their home. #earthquake
posted at 22:22:57
#nhk Petro-complex in Shiogama, Sedai-city, is burning. #earthquake
posted at 22:19:57
I'm back at 9:30 pm, because of overtime, not #earthquake .
posted at 22:10:50
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