On Mar 5, Shinkansen "HAYABUSA" train debuted. HAYABUSA runs between Tokyo and Aomori, the northest major city in Japan main island.
posted at 10:13:51
Shinkansen HAYABUSA news: http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20110306a1.html #hayabusa #railway #bullet_train
posted at 10:09:39
http://ff.im/-zk3P7 is a video of cars developed for HAYABUSA, E-5 series of JR East Rwy co. HAYABUSA means falcon.
posted at 10:07:18
Bottle can of coffee, "Georgia European": TAKAGI-1 posted a photo:
Mar 2, 2011. http://bit.ly/fNqxvP #photo
posted at 01:15:47
Bottom face of a bottle can: TAKAGI-1 posted a photo:
Mar 2, 2011. A bottle can of coffee, "Georgia E... http://bit.ly/ekGxSf #photo
posted at 01:15:46
<前の投稿日 2011/03/05 - 次の投稿日 2011/03/11>
<前の日 2011/03/05 - 次の日 2011/03/07>
twitter: @takagi1net