The battery of my mobile has gone off. Its hinge is sometimes wrong.
posted at 21:47:18
My sister urges me to buy a smart phone as a new mobile phone. My mobile is 5 years old.
posted at 21:45:38
RT @AnnTran_: Facebook: "What's on your mind?" Twitter: "What's happening?" Foursquare: "Where are U?" The Web is like a worried mom. ~ @marcandangel
posted at 21:35:36
RT @AnnTran_: When you quit talking about why it's a problem, you'll be able to start seeing ways to a solution. ~ @lizstrauss
posted at 21:33:12
Mikage-Sacher: TAKAGI-1 posted a photo:
Feb 27, 2011. Chocolate cake with much chocolate. Mikage is a... #photo
posted at 16:15:03
<前の投稿日 2011/03/01 - 次の投稿日 2011/03/06>
<前の日 2011/03/04 - 次の日 2011/03/06>
twitter: @takagi1net